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Fukushima nuclear accident 'man-made', not natural disaster
Bloomberg - July 5, 2012
The accident "cannot be regarded as a natural disaster," the panel's chairman, Tokyo University professor emeritus Kiyoshi Kurokawa, wrote in the report. "It was a profoundly manmade disaster – that could and should have been foreseen and prevented. And its effects could have been mitigated by a more effective human response."
The report, released in Tokyo yesterday, also said the investigation can't rule out the earthquake on March 11 last year caused damage to Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Dai-Ichi No. 1 reactor and safety equipment. This is a departure from other reports that concluded the reactors withstood the earthquake only to be disabled when the ensuing tsunami hit the plant.
This finding may have implications for all of Japan's nuclear plant operators, which lost a combined 1.6 trillion yen ($20 billion) in the year ended March, if it leads to tougher earthquake-resistance standards.
"Power utilities, as listed companies, would find it difficult to justify maintaining nuclear power generation if they cannot recover additional costs to raise quake-resistant levels," Hirofumi Kawachi, a utilities analyst said.
The six-month independent investigation, the first of its kind with wide-ranging subpoena powers in Japan's constitutional history, held public hearings with former Prime Minister Naoto Kan and Tokyo Electric Power Co's former president Masataka Shimizu, who gave conflicting accounts of the disaster response.
Three other investigations led by the government, the utility and a private foundation said in earlier reports that they found no evidence of major damage to reactor buildings and equipment at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear station from last year's March 11 quake. They concluded the plant was swamped by a 13-meter tsunami that followed the quake, knocking out backup power generation and causing the meltdown of three reactors. Radiation fallout from the reactors forced the evacuation of about 160,000 people and left land in the area uninhabitable for decades.
The independent commission has 10 members, including its chairman Prof Kurokawa. The group comprises a seismologist and a former nuclear engineer who have warned of safety risks at atomic plants and have criticized the government's nuclear energy policy.
Mitsuhiko Tanaka, a former nuclear equipment engineer at a unit of Hitachi Ltd and a member of the commission, and Hiroaki Koide, an assistant professor at Kyoto University's Research Reactor Institute, are among those who have said the quake may have caused more damage to the Fukushima plant than so far reported.
The commission's report also said the Fukushima situation was worsened by government mismanagement, while adding that the utility known as Tepco can't use the government as a scapegoat as its own information disclosure through the disaster was lacking.
Japan's parliament in December appointed Prof Kurokawa, a doctor of medicine, to head the investigative panel.
Prof Kurokawa clashed with the government when Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and his cabinet approved a bill on January 31 to create a new nuclear regulatory agency.
"It is very hard to understand how the cabinet decision has been made" before the panel finishes its investigation, he said in the statement. One of the panel's missions is to make recommendations including the reexamination of Japan's nuclear policy and administrative organizations to prevent a future nuclear accident, Kurokawa said.
After amending the bill on the new regulator to give it more independence, the parliament passed the legislation on June 20. The new watchdog to be established as early as September, will replace the Nuclear Industrial Safety Agency and the Nuclear Safety Commission, two regulatory bodies criticized for their poor handling of the Fukushima disaster.
"It is ethically and politically difficult for lawmakers to completely ignore the panel's recommendations" on how the new regulatory agency should work, Kawachi at Mizuho said.
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